Should I buy Instagram followers?

Using Instagram to promote your products?

Using Instagram to promote your products can do wonders for your business. One picture says more than a thousand words. So if you want to get a message across, Instagram is the place to be. Did you know that an image post is much more likely to go viral? With more than 80 million users, Instagram is the perfect platform to showcase your products. Getting started can be a difficult and slow process though. Sometimes, even when your providing quality content, the followers just won’t come fast enough. That can be disappointing and frustrating.

Content is king, but exposure is the queen

You probably heard it before. Content is king! When people say this, they say this in the belief that whenever you provide quality content, followers and fans will come. But they forget about the queen, exposure! With lots of followers comes lots of exposure. That exposure brings even more followers. This is all nice and dandy, but the other side of the coin is that when you’re just getting started, and you consequently don’t have lots of followers, it’s very hard to gain followers. Do the math, an Instagram account with 10000 followers is much more likely to see it’s post go viral than an account with 100 followers. If 10% of 10000 people share your post or 10% of 100 people share your post, what do you think would have to most impact? Which brings us to the question of the day:

Should I buy Instagram followers?

Given what we know, would it be a good idea to buy Instagram followers? Well, it all depends on what you expect to gain? Do you expect to buy customers? In that case, you’re probably going to be disappointed. Most of the followers you buy are not going to be interested in what you have to sell. They might be interested in what you have to show. They might like what you have to show and share it with their friends. And those friends might be interested in what you have to sell. In other words, if you’re buying Instagram followers for their exposure and you keep posting quality content that people want to share, you will gain a lot of natural followers. And that can be very good news for your business. When you consider the Instagram followers you buy as a leverage to reach more potential natural followers buying Instagram followers actually makes sense.

Is there a negative effect to buying Instagram followers?

That’s a good question. Could your account get blocked? Could people find out with damage to your reputation as a consequence? As long as you don’t overdo it, the chance that someone finds out is extremely small to non-existing. When an account with no followers gains 10000 followers overnight, that’s suspicious. When an account with some followers that delivers quality content gets boosted with followers that are drip fed over the course of a week is nowhere near suspicious.

Where should I buy Instagram followers?

If you want the best service for Instagram followers there is only one place I can recommend: That is the only place where you can buy guaranteed real Instagram followers. No bots there, just real people with active accounts. People ready to share your content. Everything less is useless. They also drip feed your followers to make it look completely natural. That way your account doesn’t get locked and nobody will know that you bought your initial group of followers.